PEEPING TOM (being peeped on by a guy i just met)

Hey guys!!! This is a story of when someone saw my penis and until to this day it has traumatized me and because of that I've never been able to use a urinal. This is what I wrote last 3 months ago: In May 5, 2017 Yesterday was the third day of my summer job-after weeks of going back and forth to the recruitment office, I've finally landed on a solid job. My job is being a staff in a Sports Development office in the city hall (which is too much of a coincidence considering my previous internship is at the Sports Development office in my school). I was supposed to write yesterday how happy I was to bond with new people, and how departing from my office mates after a session with them for a summer is sad, but after the peeping tom experienced I decided to discard writing the previous post. You could say that this post is like a new rendition of the previous post I was supposed to post in this blog. We didn't had a lot of things to do yesterday in the offic...