Throughout junior high school I have been obsessed with books and reading them, I'm not saying that I don't read books anymore, but I was just more obsessed with them when I was younger, carefree, and doesn't give his two cents to the world, anyway let me tell you how it happened:
It was the start of 7th grade and my parents are watching the Percy Jackson 'Lightning Thief' movie and I was obsessed (thinking about the fact that I love it as a film adaption is making me feel embarrassed), I told it to my "friend" Marian (okay, from now on, every time I put quotation marks just assume that person is part of AGC), and she told me that she loves it too and there were books regarding the film series, at that point I'm not that into books and I hate reading them but I love reading history books and fact books, so I told her I'll read them after 'Sea of Monster' comes out.
September came and the second movie of the Percy Jackson series came out and I was in love, they showed a bit of a story of how Thalia comes back from being a tree and when I saw it, I couldn't take the cliffhanger and I told my mom to buy it for me. My mom obliged and was happy to see me read and she told me to take good care of it (my mom bought me my first series, my aunt bought me my first book, I never knew I was in possession of the second version of the Harry Potter books). I started reading 'Titan's Curse' and the whole story was a blur since the books are not in sync with the movies but I finished it, then I finished the fourth book (kinda, I hate the fourth book), then I read the 'Last Olympian'. Some of the references made in the 3rd to 5th book was not making sense, so I started reading the 1st and the 2nd, to my horror the movie was ridiculously full of flaws.
After reading the Percy Jackson series I felt in love with the idea of reading and I started reading other books and I was so stoked with the idea of reading. 8th grade came and my depression and anxiety was as its peak, and I mean tried suicide and getting 13 hours of sleep peak, books were the only source of comfort I can find through those times and it costed me so much. I think I bought at least $500 worth of books, because the idea of borrowing someone's book or lending mine was absurd (one time, I lent my 'The Fault in Our Stars' book to a friend and she gave it back to me with the cover page and the first page folded. I did not like it).
Then comes the 10th grade where I found friends and I was happy and kind of jolly, I still read books but not at the extent of me making time for them or disregarding my responsibilities, I just read them when I have the time or when I'm bored. During 10th grade I sold most of my books to half of their prices, so I was able to get some of my investment back.
Today, I still read books but I'd rather just find an illegal e-book I can download rather than spend money for it (as I'm getting older, money seems to be becoming more and more important in life). Now, I regret ever making my life revolve around my books because my glasses' subscription went to 5.0, I can no longer interact with strangers or acquaintances like a normal person, and I've spent a lot of money around it. Regardless of that, here are the problems only book lovers will understand:
1. Getting Comfy.
When reading a book, being comfortable will determine if you like the book or not, often times if you don't get comfortable it will influence you to think that book is not worth it at all. Of course, you don't want to get too comfortable too because when that happens you'll fall asleep and the book might get tarnished and that would make your book worth less than you actual bought it.
2. A Bad Expensive Book
I'm the type of person who just grabs everything they see in the book store's aisle and not give a damn in the world if the prologue at the back of the book is good or not, I buy it regardless of the fact that it seems expensive. In my later years I have realized that those bad books are not a good investment. I don't want to name any names ~cough~ ~Mortal Instruments~ ~cough~ but buying 7 books for $70 seems like a letdown.
Okay, I have many problems when it comes to people and my book. I don't like it when I'm reading a book and someone spontaneously wants to talk to you about the cure for cancer or the theory of relativity; I also don't like it when people keeps on asking what book I'm reading and what is the plot of the book; I also don't like when people borrows my books and doesn't take good care of them! I know this is sort of my fault because I was naive enough to trust them that they will take good care of something they didn't pay for and has zero responsibility for, but highlighting a page of my book, doesn't that seem repulsive? I don't know why people seems to have zero common sense when it comes to this stuff.
4. spoilers
I don't see spoilers that much of a problem that's why I didn't capitalized every letter like I did with #3, I like being spoiled, I don't want to know something that I know I won't be enthusiastic about. Sometimes I would even spoil myself instead of finishing the book or drama.
5. Money
I'm seriously regretting that I bought so much books in the first place. They were costly, and by the time they turn 5 years old they turn into brown and by that time you'd want to sell them but no one would take it because they're already browning. I'm a very thrifty person, so books are not the only reason I get stressed out about money, I get stressed out that I have to even buy food or necessities like toothbrush, water, like, all that stuff is expensive.
6. Glasses
I feel like the majority of the people who read books needs at least reading glasses, even if you don't, I still face this problem so I'm going to include it. Often times, when I'm reading, my glasses gets in the way, and if you remove them you're punishing yourself and your eyesight will get worse, but if you don't remove them while reading a book and laying down then you're going to need another pair of glasses. Other people might be thinking, why don't just wear your contacts, no, I can't wear contacts because if I accidentally sleep while reading a book I will be making my vision go away. I'm not that stupid.
This is the end of my rant, thank you for reading my blog, see you next time! :D
[edit 10/12/17:I just created a Facebook page, make sure you like it!!!]
[edit 10/12/17:I just created a Facebook page, make sure you like it!!!]
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