I don't think that I have an online following, but I do think there are people out there willing to read my stories-that's why I pretty much do my best to expose behavior or thinking that I think is pretty much bullshit and needs to be get rid of. This is story is very much similar to my I fought a troll on the internet story, which means I'm here to spill tea. This started with a girl named Michaela . Here's a little history with Michaela, I've known her since 7th grade, became friends in 9th grade, I secretly hate her since March 2017 for reasons I shall not say, and she's a feminazi. This blog is about how she shared a video by ATTN saying "Women shouldn't have to change their behavior to avoid sexual assault" and her caption says "Amen". As of yesterday I was getting a little annoyed with all of the feminazis and I needed to put this woman in place, so I told her " What about men that have been sexually assaulted by ...