I've been enrolled for our school's second semester for a month now and it has been nothing but torture. I've already given you guys a taste of how my second semester is going with my Philosophy teacher blog post, so today I'm going to tell you the other teachers I have.
Currently, I am taking up 9 subjects including PE, I haven't met our PE and Writing&Reading teacher, and my Practical Research, Statistics, and Pananaliksik (English Translation: Research [I'm confused as well]) are good people, so that leaves me with 4 nightmare of a teacher, I've already told one which is my Philosophy teacher, so I'll just tell you guys the remaining 3; furthermore, I will also tell you guys a story that happened today.

Here is my schedule this second semester and as you all can see I am having a hard time adjusting now that we have Saturday classes and our Wednesday is a free day. That already bugs me, because I've studied in that institution for 4 years and I've suffered from all the terror that institution possesses, and after we've finished junior high school we were promised that we will be taken care of and we will always be the school's priority. Well, that's a joke because my junior high school classmates are all enjoying their weekends and here I am having to wake up at 5 in the morning to go to a place that is equivalent to prison on a SATURDAY. Enough about that.
My Monday schedule is a pain in the ass, to put an analogy, imagine someone picking up a huge stick off the ground and imagine that guy picking up 10 more sticks off the ground, then imagine that guy suddenly putting those sticks up in your ass with no lubrication, warning, condom, or your consent. That's what I feel. I feel violated. As if I don't have enough reasons to hate Mondays, all my professor in my Monday schedule is full of nothing but BS and hatred against children and everything that goes with them. Anyway, my first subject is Physical Science, tbh, I didn't expect that much from Physical Science seeing that my Earth Science professor last semester was a sleep paralysis (he's no longer a nightmare, he has his own category). Our Physical Science professor (whose name I have no interest in memorizing) is a woman with an engineering degree and a doctorate degree. With all the degrees she has, you would think she would have the capability of teaching a room full of 16 and 17 years old in a way that will benefit the children, but no. Last week, she gave us these pamphlets that we need to study for the whole semester, and she told us to read Chapter 1 out loud, after reading out loud with no further explanation or anything, she decided to give us a quiz! A QUIZ! Then, the next meeting this goddamn woman had the nerve to tell us 'I was honestly a lot more from you guys because you guys are from a laboratory high school'. DAFUQ?!? YOU DIDN'T TEACH US SHIT! Honestly, at that point I decided to stop my prayers to God because the only way I'll be getting a good grade is by cheating.
On to the next subject.
After Physical Science we have Accounting, and I've been studying Bookkeeping and Partnership Accounting for 3 years, the same goes to some of my peers, needless to say we were excited what we would be taught in Accounting. We have this huge obese man as a teacher and from the way he entered our classroom for the first time, I knew deep inside that this man is someone I would not get along with. STORY TIME: We took a test yesterday and I had 15 points deducted in my exam paper because of stupid shit. Before we took the test, I decided to pray anxiety was coiling my system and I wanted it to disappear, because I can't do anything good under pressure; anyways, this man while I'm praying and while most students are studying decided to tell us that Section 1 of the test, we have to write the answers next to the number, I did not hear this because I was having a conversation with God. I proceeded to take my test, and I read the general instructions because heaven forbid I do something wrong and I'll get points deducted from my grades [the irony]. After finishing, he told us to check our classmates' paper and as we were going along, I learned that we were supposed to put the answers beside the fucking number! HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW? HOW? There was 4 choices with each having a letter beside them, ISN'T IT COMMON SENSE FOR US TO ENCIRCLE SAID CHOICES?? ALSO, WHY DIDN'T YOU PUT A FUCKING UNDERLINE BESIDE THE NUMBER IF YOUR INSTRUCTION WAS TO PUT THE ANSWER BESIDE THE NUMBER?!? LIKE WHY?!?! ANOTHER THING, WHY DID YOU FUCKING BOTHER PUTTING A GENERAL INSTRUCTION COLUMN IF YOU DIDN'T EVEN PUT ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS WE NEED TO PROCEED WITH THIS TEST!? LIKE WHY?!?
I got a low grade, but a passing grade, but I'm not contented with it. I was deducted ten points because all my answers were wrong for not following directions and I was deducted another 5 points because this bastard DIDN'T INSTRUCT US TO PUT OUR SURNAME FIRST! LIKE WHY?!? Our first meeting was ages ago, yes, it is partially my fault for forgetting it or not taking notes of your precious 'house rules', but why DID YOU FUCKING BOTHER PUT A GENERAL INSTRUCTION PAGE IF YOU DON'T EVEN BOTHER LISTING ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS WE NEED TO FOLLOW. I got angry and since I can't blame this fucking obese diabetic man I decided to just cut myself, because how can a depressed riddled with anxiety man ever going to handle stress?
The last subject I have is Philosophy, I already hated the man since our first meeting, so I decided to write an entire blog post dedicated to just him.
The last of the 4 teachers I absolutely loath is our Marketing teacher, and not because he's a pain in the ass like the other three but because he can't teach shit. I don't hate him because of who he is or what qualities he possesses unlike the other 3 but because he can't teach. Today, we were checking our assignment which is the 8 functions of marketing, and despite 2 hours of time dedicated to his subject he wasn't able to finish tackling all the items in our assignment. He always has this additional story in our discussion and that makes it very hard to follow. Also, this guy doesn't know how to take care of himself, he literally wears the most boring outfit in his wardrobe and put them on and expect magic to happen. Funny story, my mom was at school yesterday (because she's now a professor at said school but in a different campus) and she thought that my Marketing teacher was a janitor based on how he dressed. I was literally lmfaoing because now that I look at it, its true. How can you expect your students to follow the dress code and look professional if the person you put in front of us looks like he just woke up and went straight to school?
Basically, my whole semester is in a nutshell. I have 4 teachers which I loathe, 2 which haven't shown their faces to us, and 3 teachers who give low grades but are actually good in teaching. I don't know what to do.
This is a copy of our school's handbook and you will see why I enclosed that certain paragraph and subsection in just a second.
We were playing cards, and we were playing games like Puso'y Dos (don't know how to translate that in English) and Tongits. This game usually is played by drunk uncles and depressed mothers in gambling night and the game's culture is closely related to gambling and betting. We were playing this game at school, and there are 3 groups of people who are playing said games. Now, I understand why some people would deem what we are doing as inappropriate and a waste of our time, but why do they always have to jump to conclusions and think that we are doing illicit activities in our spare time? Like, seriously why? The security officer that caught us kept on telling us that what we are doing is wrong and the student handbook says blah blah blah. Now, being the detective I am I read the entire handbook, actually printed a copy of my own and saw no paragraph or subsections pertaining to playing cards inside our classroom, and since there was no money involve (my other 46 classmates whom I can use as a witness will agree with this fact), WE ARE NOT DOING ANYTHING AGAINST THE RULES! There was also a time a security officer went to our classroom and caught us red-handed playing Uno and Monopoly cards and told us that it was against school policy to play such games. WHAT THE FUCK?!? LIKE WHAT?!?!? In what world does playing Uno and Monopoly cards considered a form of gambling, because I've read the entire handbook and we are free to do whatever in our free time, and since no clause pertains that we are not allowed to play cards of any sort then I'm assuming these people are thinking we're doing illicit activities like gambling. At this point, I've given up using reason or logic with these people, I'll just wait for my graduation, get the fuck out of there and not bother looking back. If I ever grow rich, I won't donate to the goddamn school.
There you go.
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