SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATORY PROJECT (i had to ruin my birthday for a project)

What a lame ass picture Google. You failed me.
I've already told you guys my experiences in 8th grade, and now I'm starting to write another draft for my 9th grade experiences as well, but before I post my 9th grade experiences I want to share you guys a story. This story is actually one of the many, many red flags that I should have been looking out for, because you would see that I was betrayed a lot in this story and being me I didn't notice them.
It was the start of the semester and we got to meet our Science professor named Hazel. Ma'am Hazel told us that before the semester ends we have to create a product that uses non-biodegradable products or biodegradable products that can benefit the earth. We were placed into 10 groups and I got into a group with 4 people, the names of those 4 people are: Bern (I'm sure you are familiar with her already), Paulo, Daz, and me. Looking back, I had no connections with any of them besides Bern, so I try my best to interact with her (this was happening when AGC was active), but she would never talk to me eye to eye and would usually cut me mid-sentence. red flag no.1
After 3 to 4 months of going to school, we have come up with a product and we have finished the guidelines needed to start inventing the product. We have presented a lot of products to Ma'am Hazel but in the end she chose the third option which is to make a bug repellent out of catnip. My group and I were discussing, and we decided to make it during the weekend, we were discussing where the venue should be but since none of them had an oven we had to do it in my place.
The weekend comes and I felt sick, I felt a fever coming but I have to go through and do this project or else I'm going to fail the semester. After meeting up in a convenience store near our school we went to our house. My grandma just finished eating her lunch and since we are Asian she asked them if they wanted to eat, they said no. My grandma asked Bern which oven we should use because there were 2, a toaster oven and a regular oven, she chose the toaster oven. I was shocked because they didn't told me that we didn't need a big oven, but I told myself that I didn't ask her so it was my fault. red flag no.2
We put the necessary ingredients in a small bowl, it was 5 tablespoons of olive oil and one box of catnip. That was it. The procedure was so easy that there was no need for the four of us to meet together on a Saturday and make the product. I told Bern why didn't she told me this and if it was this simple why we bothered meeting up in the first place because I could have done this on my own and my grandma wouldn't have to cater us. She told me that we needed pictures and it was the principle and blah blah blah red flag no.3
At this point, I started seeing the red flags but I was stupid enough to disregard them. We started waiting for the bug repellent to finish [we had to wait 2 hours], while waiting Daz told me that I should order pizza, and I asked her why, and she told me she was hungry. I told her that my grandma offered to feed them but they didn't agree to it and now they are demanding me to feed them? What ticked me off about this is that they were [Paulo and Bern started to get into the mix] questioning my hospitality, which hurt me deeply considering I always considered myself hospitable. red flag no.4
There was nothing much to do. Paulo, Daz, and Bern started to strike a conversation about what is going on inside our classroom, I was not part of their conversation. My younger cousin named Sofee was the only one I was having a conversation with. Its not that I don't want to participate in their discussion, its because they are literally blocking me and ghosting me in real life, at one point I went upstairs and heard my aunt Grace gossiping about my classmates asking my grandma why they aren't letting me in their discussion despite them knowing they are in my property and they should be indebted to me. red flag no.5
So far, we've [me and you-the viewers] realized they have done nothing, but not tell me important facts about the project, exclude me from their conversation, and question my hospitality. The oven rang and the repellent was finally made, Bern offered to take it home and test it outside their lawn to see if it would be effective. I was starting to feel my temperature rise up, I didn't want to play host with them anymore so I cleaned and pack up the mess we made [they didn't help cleaning] red flag no.6 and made them go home. Since it was my house I stayed, I went to my grandma's room and collapsed into her bed feeling the fever consume me.
I went back to see them on Monday and ma'am Hazel told us that we would be presenting our product next week. On Wednesday I asked Bern about the whereabouts of our product and she said she used all of it. I got infuriated. Catnip is not a very common thing to see in the Philippines, and the catnip we had was actually given to us by our Music professor sponsoring us in return we give him the bug repellent. I was so angry and Bern told me that she would be creating another bug repellent but this time with rosemary and we would just claim that it was catnip.
Friday came and I asked them when are we going to make the repellent and no one had an answer.
Saturday came and Bern asked me to buy the catnip and make it myself. On Sunday I had to cut my own Birthday celebration short because of my classmates' selfishness, and what's worse about this is issue is that none of them even bothered to wish me a Happy Birthday in spite of burdening me. red flag no.7 Long story short I found out there was no catnip on the three malls I've scoured and my group mates were blaming me. Yup, they're blaming for not finding catnip and they're not blaming Bern for losing the actual product in the first place! smh. red flag no.8
The day of the presentation came, and we had to defend our product, but since there was no product we had nothing to defend, during the whole product defense, I got up and started reporting about our product and Bern cut mid-sentence again and told me that it was Paulo's turn, I admitted my mistake and sat down and when the whole presentation was finished I just realized 'holy fuck, you didn't got to present anything'. So, I went to three malls looking for something scarce in the country on my birthday, I am not paid for my transportation expenses, and I didn't get to report anything in our product defense. red flag no. 9
You could imagine the grade I got. Our group got the lowest grade in our whole homeroom class, and I [and I mean individually] got the lowest grade in class.
I was so heartbroken, and at the time I took all my anger out of my teacher as if she's the one at fault when in reality it was I who is fault for not being able to stand up to myself or telling her everything that happened. To this day, I can still feel the anger boiling in my blood every time I looked at the 3 of them together, I always see them as the insensitive cunts that never batted an eye in my direction.
Daz: Omg. nako nako [it's an expression in the Philippines like omg] When are we going to buy catnip?
Because we need to make a lot of it.
Paulo: Only one person should buy it and we'll just split the bill evenly
Daz: We should choose someone with money. Yah yah
Bern who will buy?
Sink --> Sino [means who in Filipino]
Paulo: Yes, that's right.
Bern: Gian would buy
Daz: Hahahaha sure!
Paulo: That's right Gian should buy, he's rich.
Daz: That's why he should buy. Hahaha When are we going to make it? We need to make it
Paulo: That's right, I'm free to make whenever excluding tomorrow.
Daz: That's right, don't let it happen tomorrow, I'm too lazy to do it.
Paulo: Me too
Bern: I don't know where to buy catnip
Daz: Me too
Paulo: Me too
Bern: I don't know guys
Daz: So how?
Bern: I wish I could answer that
Daz: We should decide on who should buy
Bern: There's no choice, Daztyne take a picture of all the documents in the envelope, we need to revise it.
Daz: Its taking too long
Bern: I'll wait
Daz: So is Gian going to be the one making it or we'll be the one making it?
So, there you go. If you could look at the date, it happened on October 10, 2015-which is the date of my birthday, therefore I was not online for I am celebrating my birthday and I was scouring Metro Manila for their selfishness. I'm really irritated that none of them wished me happy birthday, because this is Facebook and I doubt you didn't see the upper right corner where it notifies you when its your friend's birthday; regardless, I am pissed that they were doing nothing but just talk about this and talk about that, especially Bern because this is not first time she did this! I also am not happy they see me as the 'rich kid' and that they expect me to cover all the group's finances.
[edit 10/12/17:I just created a Facebook page, make sure you like it!!!]
[edit 10/12/17:I just created a Facebook page, make sure you like it!!!]
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