"Let's sing a song for old St. John's-the school we love to us all dear." FUCK THAT
I've been studying in St. John's Academy (my elementary school) for at least seven years. I was there at Kindergarten 2 until 6th grade. Every moment I've spent in St. John's Academy I never imagined myself getting out and transferring to another school. Being part of St. John's Academy, or being a St. Johnite was actually something I really treasure despite the constant bullying I receive [from my uncle], all the constant abuse, and the stress I've made along the way. I have a traumatizing childhood thanks to that school, but one of those traumatizing memories are from a girl named Rian Matoto.
I actually told this story a year ago in my Filipino class and I told my classmates how I almost decided to stop studying because of a girl, hahaha, you should have looked at my classmates' face there. Anyway, like most of my stories, my stories are real and I have people that can vouch for them.

I met Rian in fourth grade, she was a third grader back then. She was a classmate of my brother, a service mate [we were both picked up by the same jeepney that goes to St. John's Academy], and I hate her. Like in my first paragraph, I enunciated that there were people whom I received constant bullying and one of those people is Rian Matoto. There were times when she would tease me and my brother for being fat, for being a pig, and there were times where she would make fun of my father's occupation which is owning a meat shop and for being a butcher. I didn't mind everything she has said by then and treated her as a friend because who would bother to waste his time to someone like her, right?
5th grade came and she invited me to come to her birthday party. It was the first birthday party I've ever been invited that is not a relative and I was looking forward to it. My parents were pretty strict growing up and they don't like the idea of me/brother attending someone's birthday party without them as chaperones. Up until now I actually haven't been experienced a sleep over because my mom is paranoid I'll get killed in my sleep. Getting back to the subject, we went to their place and we have fun. The reason why I'm telling you guys this story is because I just find it ironic of her to make fun of my father's occupation of being a butcher when she lives in an eskinita and not even in the outermost part of the eskinita, she lives at the end of the eskinita and I find it funny and ironic. [side note: she made fun how I ate too much at her birthday party, the fuck? what kind of a normal human being wouldn't eat too much at a birthday party?] We came back home a little later than what we promised our parents, and since I don't have a good sense of direction back then me and my brother ended up lost going home. We had to walk for 45 minutes. My parents never found out about that.
Jump to 6th grade, this is where I decided to stop studying in my elementary school. On December 2012, my parents made me take an exam at PUP Laboratory High School [where I finished high school] and since I didn't want to transfer schools I didn't bother to study.
On February 2013, Rian made the mistake of bumping into me when I had a very bad day. Since I can be a little moody, I didn't like it and got angry at her. Every time I meet her at school I look at her with disgust and anger with reasons I don't understand why. Then, on one faithful day, she messaged me at Facebook. I didn't want to bother wasting my energy on her so I just gave her a middle finger emoticon and went on to my day. She didn't like this and started getting angry over chat and being the bitch I was I started correcting her grammar [being a grammar Nazi and being perfect in English was the pride of every St. Johnite]. She got angry and then we traded insults. This continued on for days until I deleted the conversation afraid my mom might see it [my mom knows my Facebook password back then because she was maintaining my Farmville back then].
After days of trading back insults, Rian's mom suddenly jumped into the conversation and started disciplining me and instead of being mature and accepting that I might have been a little hostile, I also insulted the mother! WHY DID I DO THAT?!?!? She then threatened me telling me she'll tell the school, I thought to myself that this is a personal issue so the school might not care so I didn't bother and told her to go ahead. 2 days later, I was called by our adviser telling me that I've been called to the principal's office for cyberbullying someone. I went to the office a lot of times until the end of February with Rian, and it stopped.
On the first week of March my teacher made every student that hasn't gotten a line of 7 [a B-/C for my foreign readers] in their report card because she wants to know who will qualify for an academic excellence ribbon, I stood up being quite proud because I worked my ass to get those ribbons and then my teacher broke the news to me that I'll be under probation and since I cyberbullied someone I'll get a 75 [a C] in my Conduct and I won't qualify for a ribbon. I got angry and upset so I told myself to cry about it.
On the academic excellence ribbon awarding one of my teachers told me that I passed the PUP Laboratory High School's entrance exam, I was surprised because I didn't study and skeptical. After I went home that day I looked it up and saw that it was true. I went to my parents' room and told them that I want transfer. I told them I want to get all of these Rian stuff behind my past. I got in PUP Laboratory High School after a lot of steps and I didn't told any of my elementary friends of what happened.
Looking back, I should have been more mature and the mom should have never bothered jamming herself in children's fight.
So.... Yup, that's what happened. This is why I transferred school. To my elementary friends who might have bumped to this post [or to whom I'm going to sent this to], I am terribly sorry for not telling you I was going to transfer. I was scared because back then being in a public school was kind of shameful so I didn't bother telling them and made them believe that I'll be with them until high school ends.. So... yeah.
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