I was reorganizing my blog today (I was checking if it was AdSense ready, but it wasn't) and read the tagline. Now, I thought to myself, what the hell?
I remember that I started this blog in hopes that I will document everything about me losing weight and that hopefully by the end of the year, when I go to all these family reunions held at New Years' Eve I wouldn't feel so bad about myself and say "I promise, by the end of the year I'll be 100 pounds lighter", but I'm still here not doing anything. I've tried going on a low carb diet and a no sugar diet, I was successful for the first whole week, for the entire week I felt like shit, and I told myself it will all get better and at least I'll feel better by the end of the year, but then a lot of things happened a lot of stress was thrown my way and since I'm no longer stress eating I've had a lot of breakouts and I was anxious all the time. It was difficult so I had to eat a lot again. All of my efforts to stop eating sugar was a waste and I started to feel bad about myself.
Arghh, I don't know what to do. I could have continued my diet, but I didn't want to since I'm losing a lot of money (my parents doesn't like wasting money, so all the money I spend on dieting is all mine); I tried fasting, and I did it for 2 months successfully but I couldn't align it with my diet since my hormones was all wacky; I've tried sticking up to the gym but my schedule proved to be non versatile and I had to cancel either schooling or the gym. A lot of things are happening, I've tried everything. The saddest part about this is, is that I can stick to a routine, diet, and fast but once I'm thrown off I went into a what the hell phase and just throw everything I've worked for away. It's so hard.
But I have things figured out. I was doing this meringue business and I thought it would help me on my money problem (I don't really have a money problem, my family do, but I don't, I just love saving money for the future) but it proved to be more difficult and taxing, so I created a plan. I want to save at least 6 digits worth of money, I want to save 12,000 php [235 dollars] by the time I finish saving that up it would be November (I calculated my daily money allowance, my current savings, and the money I'm going to get on my birthday). By November, I'll be saving money for a gym subscription and that would be 5,000 php [100 dollars], it means that I'll have to go start going to the gym by January. While I'm saving money, I'll do my best to implement the same focus and determination I had when I was fasting and dieting. I'm going to make sure that I'll be adding intermittent fasting and diet to this whole journey.
I'm thinking I'll lose 12 kg by January, and that would mean I'll be 88 kg by then. By July I want to be 65 kg and that would mean I've lost 35 kg. I really want this to work, but I've learned that not everything happens to what I want, I'll probably have a lot more breakouts and there would be instances where I need to burn more cash for unexpected fees.
I need to do this!
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