The man in the picture is our new Philosophy teacher. I couldn't find a picture that only him is in the picture. I haven't posted anything in my blog for a while and I'm sorry. School just started and it's been difficult for me to adjust my schedule to blog. Anyway, here's a blog post today regarding our new philosophy teacher. I've ranted about our teachers before so this isn't a new thing. Our new philosophy teacher's name is Kristoffer A. Bolanos and he is the worst. Today was our second day and he's just as worse as the first. I've given him a chance to redeem himself but he didn't, so enjoy. Off to the rant: I don't like being objective regarding someone's physical appearance because I'm no Hemsworth, but one thing I hate the most is facial hair in both men and women. This man has unkept facial hair below his lips and that ridiculous beard in which each strand can be counted one by one, I hate it. Shaving on...