I'm really good at lying but I wouldn't call myself a compulsive liar. As you all know, I've had my fair share of lying, backstabbing people, so I hate those who lies to my faces, another example of this was on 1st grade where I met two of the worst people out there in elementary private schools.
Gabriel and Hans were (are) the worst people I've met in my entire life. I don't know if I'm just petty for remembering all these stuff or I just have a biased memory, but I am sure that those two are those kind of people that you can't forgive regardless of time or apology. What they did to me was the one thing that ruined my entire 1st grade experience (because let's be honest, I did a lot of dumb things).
Here's the story:
It was PE time, and there's a policy in my school that if you didn't brought your PE uniform with you, you had to write in a piece of paper "I promise to bring my PE uniform next week" until you fill your entire paper. Since my mom at the time was busy from work she didn't got to wash my PE uniform and I had to go to school without it. I was not the only student who forgot my PE uniform, there were at least 5 students with me included, I couldn't remember the names of the other two.
My teacher told us to keep writing and pass it to her after PE time and she forbade us to go outside our classroom unless it was an emergency. I agreed, I stayed in the classroom and started writing on that piece of paper. It was tiring, and it was those kind of paper where it had blue and red lines, and we had to use pencils so it wasn't easy for 7 year old me. Gabriel and Hans invited me and the other 2 to play ball outside our classroom, and I didn't want to. I was a goody-goody at that time and writing "I promise to behave" in a separate piece of paper wasn't appealing. But he persuaded us like the con artist he is and got the other two to join him. I did not join him. I was inside my classroom and decided to finish all of this.
I finished writing in that piece of paper, I took a 10 minute nap and went outside to pee. Somehow I was at the wrong place at a wrong time, because my teacher went closer to Hans and Gabriel's location and scolded. I was passing by and the two of them convinced our teacher that it was my fault! My fault! My teacher being the dumb asshole she was (is) believed them and told me that I should not have run after seeing her come here. I told her my reason, I showed her my paper and told her to ask the others if they have done it but they told another lie (couldn't remember exactly what it is) and I was punished.
I was angry at Hans, I don't like being a pushover. After PE time is over, my teacher went to her desk, and I went to Hans'. I got closer to him and punched him in the face. At that time, he was a 7 years old as well, his two baby teeth (upper central incisors) were moving. I punched him in the face so hard that two of his teeth fell out. It was amazing, my teacher told me to write that wretched "I promise to behave" in 2 pieces of paper and give it to Hans, after he finish his visit in the clinic.
I did not get reprimanded nor suspended, his teeth was bound to fall anyway, and there was a lack of evidence. Up to this date I haven't forgiven the two of them and this petty memory of mine will never be forgotten. Punching him was the epitome of 1st grade.
[edit 10/12/17:I just created a Facebook page, make sure you like it!!!]
[edit 10/12/17:I just created a Facebook page, make sure you like it!!!]
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