Welcome back to my blog, thank you for sticking with me. The last post might have been too dramatic, so I'm going to post something less dramatic. What I'm about to post is dramatic, sure, but this is less dramatic than that traumatic experience of mine. (Btw, I made my friends read what I posted on this blog and others finally felt that they got to know me better, but others think that I'm being too dramatic, I don't know if I'm being dramatic, but what I said in that post is true, and as you can see with the pictures, I posted every side of the story) Being secretive, is something I may or may not be good at. If you ask my friends, my real friends, my friends that I tell everything to, they might say that I'm open book, even to those two faced bastards, I told them all of my secrets and fears (which I'm now regretting, seeing how they used it against me), but did I actually tell you everything? If you looked at my SNS [Social Media], I barely post ...